Giving your local teacher a helping hand.
Giving your local teacher a helping hand.
Did you have a favorite teacher growing up? I’m betting you had at least one who inspired your curiosity or gave you the encouragement you needed at a critical point in your life. I think we can all agree teachers play a vital role in our society.
And I know it’s not breaking news to most that teachers are often underpaid, but that issue may go deeper than you realize. Many dip into their own pockets to pay for necessary school supplies.
One teacher quoted in the above article put things pretty succinctly: "I want to do this for the kids because if I'm not doing this for the kids, it's not going to happen."
I’m sure that’s how most teachers feel, and you’ve got to respect that. So, what can you do to help?
The best thing you can do is simple: ask. Inquire with the teacher directly or check with a school administrator to see if there are any items they particularly need. Some teachers use crowdfunding sites in order to raise money or create wish lists on sites like Amazon to make it easy to help out.
If you’re able to assist in any way, that’s great! But it’s also important to realize that it’s not up to you to solve all the problems on your own. Education funding in our country is a whole other topic we don’t need to get into today, so just contribute what you can, when you can, and I’m sure the teachers and schools will be plenty appreciative.
And if you’re looking for another way to make sure that your children or grandchildren are taken care of, being proactive about your retirement planning is a great place to start! Obviously, you need to have enough set aside to make sure your retirement is comfortable, but if you can allocate some of your resources toward making sure your younger loved ones are taken care of, that’s all the better!
Give my office a call at (480)-513-1830 or grab some time on my schedule by Chat with Charles. Let’s make sure that you and your loved ones have the long, happy, and healthy lives you all deserve. I’m sure that’s a lesson plan everyone can agree on.
All the best,
Charles C. Scott AIF®, CDP®
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