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Hollywood Stars Who Bet on Themselves Thumbnail

Hollywood Stars Who Bet on Themselves

Hollywood Stars Who Bet on Themselves

Sometimes in life, the best bet you can make is on yourself. 

Having a vision or a dream and believing in your ability to make it happen is admirable. Of course, it can be a thin line between these success stories and the other side of the coin.

If you need a little bit of inspiration, I recently came across an article detailing various Hollywood stars who chose to stick to their proverbial guns rather than taking the seemingly more prudent, sensible path.

A few highlights from that story:

  • Robert Downey Jr. offered to play Iron Man for a substantial discount, allowing him to snag a role worth countless millions to him over the years to follow.

  • Sylvester Stallone was offered $360,000 for the rights to Rocky, but the producer didn’t want Stallone to star in the movie. Despite the fact that he was completely broke at the time, Stallone was intent on playing the lead role and eventually did just that, winning an Academy Award and earning massive fortune from the film and its many sequels.

  • M. Night Shyamalan wrote The Sixth Sense at 25 years old, and despite having almost no prior success, he was adamant that he would direct the film and that he wouldn’t sell it for less than $1 million. The movie grossed $672 million at the box office and Shyamalan went on to direct many more movies after that.

That’s just a small taste; there are a number of other interesting anecdotes in the article linked above.

I certainly admire anyone who has the courage and the confidence to believe in themselves, even when it might seem foolish to others.

 As you try to secure your own financial future, I’m sure you’ll come across many challenging decisions. Should you “bet on yourself” and take a risky path? Should you play it safe?

 It can be a difficult tightrope to walk, but perhaps I can help. I can provide an honest, objective assessment of your financial situation and help set you on a course to success.

All you need to do is call (480) 513-1830 or book a spot on my calendar, and I’ll have you out of the hole and back on your feet in no time.

 All the best, Charles

Charles C. Scott AIF®, CDP®


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