WorkWise: Making the transition into retirement
Recently, Arizona financial planner Charles C. Scott and founder of Pelleton Capital Management was featured in Mildred Culp’s article for the Knoxville News Sentinel. Scott discusses making the transition into retirement.
One fairly simple way to determine what this attraction can be comes from Scottsdale, Arizona’s Charles Scott, a financial planner and the founder of Pelleton Capital Management Ltd. He advises filling in a blank calendar month. “Draw two horizontal lines through each day, separating them into morning, afternoon and night.” As you fill in the segments for the month, you’ll see that working has consumed a lot of your time, including getting ready for it, coming and going to it, doing it and thinking about it. “Realizing how much time you have now to do what you want, not just what you HAVE to do, can be enlightening,” he points out.
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.