The Potential Forgiveness Of Student Loans Being Proposed
Student loan forgiveness is a hot topic of discussion right now. Many people fear the cost of something like this and the lessons it will teach the younger generation, while others argue the cost of higher education is exorbitant and we need to extend help to those who have a lot of debt. There are both pros and cons to each side that we will be discussing on today's show.
Show Notes
2:00 - Main Topic: Potential Student Loan Forgiveness
3:19 - Lessons Learned
7:37 - Boost In GDP
9:12 - Getting A Plan
11:11 - Knee Jerk Reactions
13:48 - Mailbag: Janice Asks About Finding The Right Advisor
17:36 - Workshops & Webinars
Have questions about any of the topics we covered in today's podcast? Reach out to me at 480-513-1830, or schedule a call via my calendar.