Answering Your Questions: Should One Firm Handle Investments, Taxes, and Estate Documents?
Is it a good idea to have your investments, taxes, and estate planning managed by the same firm? At first glance, the convenience of having all your financial needs handled under one roof seems appealing. Who wouldn't want a one-stop shop for all their financial services?
However, Charles argues that this approach may not always be in your best interest. He believes most people would benefit from seeking separate experts for each area to ensure they receive the best possible advice. Ultimately, this is a personal decision, but tune in to hear Charles' thoughts!
Here’s some of what we discuss in this episode:
0:00 – Intro
0:27 – Hunting for the best and the brightest
2:02 – Who’s the boss?
4:36 – Finding the right team
Have questions about any of the topics we covered in today's podcast? Reach out to me at 480-513-1830, or schedule a call via my calendar.