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How To Invest Like Politicians… And Should You? Thumbnail

How To Invest Like Politicians… And Should You?

Ever wondered how members of Congress manage to grow their wealth while in office? In this episode, Charles Scott dives into the controversial topic of investing like politicians. We explore the ETFs tracking political investments- NANC and KRUZ- and unpack the historical (and sometimes shady) relationship between lawmakers and insider trading. Then, Charles tackles a listener's question about rebalancing investment portfolios. Is it really necessary, or is it just an arbitrary financial ritual? Tune in to hear Charles' unique take!

We'll also touch on why everyday investors might find these political ETFs fascinating (or risky).

As always, this discussion is for informational purposes only and not financial advice. But it will definitely make you think…

What You'll Learn in This Episode

📈 Political Investing 101 – What are the ETFs tracking congressional trades?

📊 Nancy Pelosi vs. Ted Cruz – Which political portfolio has performed better?

🤔 Should You Follow Congress’s Investment Strategy? – The pros and cons

👀 Why Watching Stocks Daily Might Be a Terrible Idea

Here’s some of what we discuss in this episode:

0:00 – Intro

0:20 – What are NANC and KRUZ ETFs?

2:48 – Which political portfolio performs better? The numbers so far

3:45 – Insider trading was legal for Congress?!

4:58 – The STOCK Act: Why Congress had to make a rule to stop themselves

6:24 – Why political trading ETFs exist today

7:16 – The stress of watching stock prices every day

9:06 – What does "fiduciary" really mean?

12:49 – The reality of financial sales pitches & how to vet advisors

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Have questions about any of the topics we covered in today's podcast? Reach out to me at 480-513-1830, or schedule a call via my calendar.

Want a free copy of my book, Protecting Your Assets from Long-Term Care, click the link below.

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