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Do you have lingering questions about financial planning, tax planning, estate planning, retirement planning or Long-Term Care solutions? Then you're in the right place!


Join Charles Scott as he guides you through these topic in a fun and educational way. Checkout the video version on YouTube, subscribe to your favorite podcasting apps, or look below for recent episodes and watch them right here on the website!

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How To Invest Like Politicians… And Should You? Thumbnail

How To Invest Like Politicians… And Should You?

Ever wondered how members of Congress manage to grow their wealth while in office? In this episode, Charles Scott dives into the controversial topic of investing like politicians. We explore the ETFs tracking political investments- NANC and KRUZ- and unpack the historical (and sometimes shady) relationship between lawmakers and insider trading. Then, Charles tackles a listener's question about rebalancing investment portfolios. Is it really necessary, or is it just an arbitrary financial ritual? Tune in to hear Charles' unique take!

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Unpacking America’s Top Fears: Financial, Economic & More Thumbnail

Unpacking America’s Top Fears: Financial, Economic & More

In this episode of Financial Choices Matter, Charles and Marc dive into the top fears that have been gripping Americans for years according to a recent Chapman University study. From fears of illness to financial instability, they break down why these concerns persist and how modern technology might be amplifying our anxieties. More importantly, they discuss how fear often influences financial decisions and why taking control of what you can manage- your financial strategy- can help bring peace of mind.

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6 Retirement Blunders Millionaires AVOID Thumbnail

6 Retirement Blunders Millionaires AVOID

According to a 2024 Gallup poll, 74% of retired Americans have enough money to live comfortably- and no, you don’t need to be a millionaire to get there. But there are some mistakes you can actively avoid to steer your financial future in the right direction. In today’s conversation, Charles and Marc will cover 6 retirement blunders that successful American millionaires tend to avoid.

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What Are The Odds of Needing Long-Term Care? Thumbnail

What Are The Odds of Needing Long-Term Care?

In today’s episode, we’re playing a little game of what are the odds? For example, do you know the chances of being in a house fire, or having your car totaled? What about the likelihood of being hospitalized? Listen in as we break down these probabilities and compare them to the chances of having a long-term care event.

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The Retirement Jigsaw Puzzle Thumbnail

The Retirement Jigsaw Puzzle

Think of your financial future like a jigsaw puzzle. Each piece- whether it's taxes, insurance, retirement accounts, or estate planning- represents a critical part of your financial life. Without the box cover it’s hard to know how each piece fits. In the same way, understanding how all the pieces of your financial puzzle interact is key to achieving your long-term goals. That’s why having someone to help you put it all together who understands the big picture can be incredibly beneficial.

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Listener Questions: What Is American Funds & How Aggressive Should My Savings Plan Be To Retire By 60? Thumbnail

Listener Questions: What Is American Funds & How Aggressive Should My Savings Plan Be To Retire By 60?

We’ve got another listener question episode for you today! Tune in as Charles answers a few questions from podcast listeners like you. In this week’s edition, a listener named Wendy asks if it's okay to have all her 401k money invested in American Funds or if she should diversify into other investments. Charles also tackles a question about how aggressive one’s retirement savings goals should be to retire by 60.

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Listener Questions: Should You Take Social Security Earlier, Rollover Options, & Can One Firm Manage EVERYTHING?! Thumbnail

Listener Questions: Should You Take Social Security Earlier, Rollover Options, & Can One Firm Manage EVERYTHING?!

Charles frequently receives financial planning questions via email. This week, he addresses Mary's concern about her portfolio, which dropped significantly earlier this year, recovered somewhat, but is still down from its peak. Relying entirely on this money for income, Mary is considering starting Social Security earlier than planned.

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The Future of Retirement In America: Is The Glass Half Full or Half Empty? Thumbnail

The Future of Retirement In America: Is The Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

Are we on the brink of a retirement renaissance or stormy seas ahead? On this episode, we jump into the pressing issues of Social Security, healthcare, taxes, stock market trends, and long-term care. Whether you're an eternal optimist or cautious pessimist, this episode will equip you with perspectives to plan your retirement years with confidence as we ask the longstanding question, “Is the glass half full or half empty?"

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Ready Or Not Retirement Thumbnail

Ready Or Not Retirement

Are you nearing “retirement age?” If so, let’s explore that pivotal question you’ll soon face: Should you retire or continue working? We’ll unravel the intricacies of this decision, addressing both financial and emotional aspects, and help you find out if you’re truly ready to retire.

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Unsure, Confident, or Certain: Retirement Planning Next Steps Thumbnail

Unsure, Confident, or Certain: Retirement Planning Next Steps

It’s not just the financially uncertain who need to think carefully about their retirement plan. Even those who feel confident in their retirement savings might still have important questions to answer and decisions to make. In this episode, we'll explore the three retirement planning mindsets: those who have no idea if they can retire, those who think they have enough money to retire, and those who know for sure they have enough money to retire. We'll discuss the key considerations and next steps for each of these mindsets to help you prepare for a fulfilling retirement.

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The 5 Biggest Money Mistakes In Retirement Planning Thumbnail

The 5 Biggest Money Mistakes In Retirement Planning

In the complex world of retirement planning, there are countless pitfalls one could fall into. In this episode, we've distilled it down to what we believe are the top 5 mistakes to watch out for. Avoiding these crucial missteps can have a significant impact on the success of your retirement plan. So, join us as we delve into these key issues and learn how to navigate them effectively when it's your turn to plan for retirement.

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Retirement Savings Basics: What’s The Purpose Of All My Accounts? Thumbnail

Retirement Savings Basics: What’s The Purpose Of All My Accounts?

Are you aware that not all retirement accounts are created equal? It's crucial to understand the purpose and advantages of each type of account to make the best choice for your future. In this episode, we'll delve into the different types of retirement accounts, including 401(k)s, IRAs, Roths, and several other examples. We’ll help you weigh the pros and cons of each and give you insights into the purposes they serve so that you can make an informed decision. Join us and discover why understanding the purpose of these accounts is essential for securing a comfortable retirement.

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Retirement Expenses For Which You Forgot To Plan Thumbnail

Retirement Expenses For Which You Forgot To Plan

Are you preparing for retirement but feeling confident that you have covered all the expenses? Well, think again... It turns out that many retirees overlook some crucial expenses that can leave them financially vulnerable. In this episode, we explore the retirement expenses that most people tend to forget, including skyrocketing medical bills, unexpected travel costs, taxes, and much more. We'll discuss practical tips and strategies to help you plan for these expenses and ensure a secure and comfortable retirement.

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