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Do you have lingering questions about financial planning, tax planning, estate planning, retirement planning or Long-Term Care solutions? Then you're in the right place!


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The Future of Retirement In America: Is The Glass Half Full or Half Empty? Thumbnail

The Future of Retirement In America: Is The Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

Are we on the brink of a retirement renaissance or stormy seas ahead? On this episode, we jump into the pressing issues of Social Security, healthcare, taxes, stock market trends, and long-term care. Whether you're an eternal optimist or cautious pessimist, this episode will equip you with perspectives to plan your retirement years with confidence as we ask the longstanding question, “Is the glass half full or half empty?"

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Most Common Retirement Planning Questions About Taxes Thumbnail

Most Common Retirement Planning Questions About Taxes

As we approach the end of the year, saving money on taxes becomes a bigger focus for many people. But let’s broaden the scope out for this particular episode and focus on some of the most common retirement planning questions about taxes. We’ll talk about mistakes to avoid and how a proper plan can make a significant difference in someone’s tax savings.

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Ever Wonder Who Really Pays Income Taxes? Thumbnail

Ever Wonder Who Really Pays Income Taxes?

With the national elections in November, the parties have VERY different opinions regarding who should be paying their fair share of income taxes. But do we really know who pays what? You certainly can’t rely on either political party to give you the straight information. We also dive into a discussion on how to reasonably incorporate emotions into your financial plan.

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Coronavirus Update Thumbnail

Coronavirus Update

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is having a dramatic impact on our daily lives and many people are taking a huge financial hit from lost wages, a volatile stock market, and general economic uncertainty. Charles will talk about his thoughts on this situation and we will briefly mention a couple elements of the new CARES Act.

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Who Really Pays Income Taxes? Thumbnail

Who Really Pays Income Taxes?

With the national elections in November, the parties have VERY different opinions regarding who should be paying their fair share of income taxes. But do we really know who pays what? You certainly can’t rely on either political party to give you the straight information. We also dive into a discussion on how to reasonably incorporate emotions into your financial plan.

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Even Responsible Savers Make Mistakes Thumbnail

Even Responsible Savers Make Mistakes

Even for people who have been very responsible with their money over the years, entering retirement can still be a challenge because it’s such a different stage of life. Let’s talk about some of the missteps that even responsible savers can make…

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Are Tax Advantages Overrated? Thumbnail

Are Tax Advantages Overrated?

Of course, saving money on taxes is important. But when tax advantages are being pitched as the primary benefit of an investment, should we be concerned? Charles will help us tackle the pros and cons on this week's episode. We'll also answer a question from Roberta about investing a large amount of her 401k in company stock.

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Winding Back The Debt Clock Thumbnail

Winding Back The Debt Clock

We won't be getting political about this, but the national debt is skyrocketing faster than you can imagine. At some point, it could become a huge issue for the economy if it isn't already. How could our increasing national debt impact your retirement? Charles explains.

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Fuzzy Math Thumbnail

Fuzzy Math

A lot of investors (and quite frankly a lot of advisors) fall victim to fuzzy math when it comes to their retirement planning. Let’s explore some of the areas where someone might be employing fuzzy math.

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