Coronavirus Update
On This Episode:
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is having a dramatic impact on our daily lives and many people are taking a huge financial hit from lost wages, a volatile stock market, and general economic uncertainty. Charles will talk about his thoughts on this situation and we will briefly mention a couple elements of the new CARES Act.
Show Notes:
1:18 - How Business Has Been For Charles
3:27 - Being Able To Help A Client With The New CARES Act
6:03 - RMDs Are Not Required For 2020
8:51 - Taxes Will Have To Go Up, Which Is Why A Roth Conversion Might Be A Good Idea Right
12:00 - Great TP Shortage
13:49 - April Fools Story
15:53 - Mailbag Lucile Wonders What The Best Way To Save For Retirement Since She Cannot Contribute To A Roth