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The Retirement Planning “Aha” Moment Thumbnail

The Retirement Planning “Aha” Moment

Ever had that “light bulb” moment when everything just clicks? Retirement planning is full of them. Charles has had many clients experience these moments of clarity throughout the planning process, one of which he’s going to share with us today. 

Remember, your financial advisor can provide guidance and crunch numbers all day long, but the plan will only work if you take ownership of it. This means understanding the plan, feeling confident about it, and being committed to following through. If you're ready to experience your own "aha" moment and take control of your retirement planning, reach out to Charles Scott and his team at Pelleton Capital Management.

Here’s some of what we discuss in this episode:

0:00 – Intro

0:34 – A memorable client experience

2:42 – What is the “aha” moment?

5:36 – Intellectually and emotionally owning your plan

Have questions about any of the topics we covered in today's podcast? Reach out to me at 480-513-1830, or schedule a call via my calendar.

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