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The Retirement Jigsaw Puzzle Thumbnail

The Retirement Jigsaw Puzzle

Think of your financial future like a jigsaw puzzle. Each piece- whether it's taxes, insurance, retirement accounts, or estate planning- represents a critical part of your financial life. Without the box cover it’s hard to know how each piece fits.

Understanding how the pieces of your financial puzzle interact is key to achieving your long-term goals. That’s why having someone to help you put it all together who understands the big picture can be incredibly beneficial.

As you listen to this episode, consider how your own financial puzzle is coming together. Do you have a clear view of the box cover? Are there pieces that don't quite fit? Tune in and let’s explore this concept together!

Here’s some of what we discuss in this episode:

0:00 – Intro

2:58 – The key pieces of the retirement puzzle

4:21 – The risks of DIYing your retirement

6:29 – Why you should talk to a professional

8:31 – Finding the right fit

11:41– Listener question

Have questions about any of the topics we covered in today's podcast? Reach out to me at 480-513-1830, or schedule a call via my calendar.

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