Do You Concur? Picking Sides In Important Financial Debates
In this episode, we’ll try to pick sides in some important financial debates. From bonds to life insurance, credit card debt,to starting Social Security, we’ll propose several different topics to see which sides of the debates you and your advisor should probably fall on.
Show Notes
1:09 - Main Topic: Important Financial Decisions
1:46 - Paying Off The House
6:01 - Life Insurance
8:19 - Deferring Taxes
11:11 - Credit Cards
13:18 - Start Social Security As Soon As Possible
15:56 - Mailbag: Buddy Asks How To Fill Medicare Time Gap
17:49 - Upcoming Workshops
15:05 - Mailbag: Laura Asks About Early Retirement Considerations
Have questions about any of the topics we covered in today's podcast? Reach out to me at 480-513-1830, or schedule a call via my calendar.