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Each month we post a quick tip, providing resources to create a better quality of life for you and your finances!

What Assets Should Be Included in Your Trust? Thumbnail

What Assets Should Be Included in Your Trust?

What Assets Should Be Included in Your Trust? A revocable living trust is a great tool to help your assets pass smoothly to your beneficiaries, and it can significantly reduce the headaches of probate. However, while some assets belong in a trust, others cannot (or should not) go into one.

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11 Sources of Tax-Free Income Thumbnail

11 Sources of Tax-Free Income

There are still ways to earn income that is free from federal income tax. With the various tax changes that have taken effect in recent years, tax-free income opportunities are perhaps more valuable than ever.

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20 Ways to Save on Health Care Thumbnail

20 Ways to Save on Health Care

20 Ways to Save on Health Care. From maximizing insurance benefits to shopping for discounts to funding tax-advantaged accounts, these tips will lower your costs no matter how you get your care.

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