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Do you have lingering questions about financial planning, tax planning, estate planning, retirement planning or Long-Term Care solutions? Then you're in the right place!


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Making Bad Financial Assumptions Thumbnail

Making Bad Financial Assumptions

Be careful of making assumptions about certain areas of retirement planning before you really know the facts. Some of these assumptions could be correct, but they could just as likely be wrong… We'll also ask Charles to tell us about a time someone didn't follow his advice and they came back later and admitted that they should have.

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Risky, But Popular, Investments Thumbnail

Risky, But Popular, Investments

It’s probably common sense when you think about human nature, but some of the riskiest investments are also the most popular. At least the risky ones generate a lot of interest, even if most folks don’t end up actually making an investment. Let’s look at some of these popular and risky investments because, after all, your financial choices matter.

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Counter-Intuitive Pieces Of Financial Guidance Thumbnail

Counter-Intuitive Pieces Of Financial Guidance

Some advice just makes good sense. But sometimes the guidance we get doesn’t align with our expectations. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Let’s talk about some of the counterintuitive financial advice you may, or may not, receive. We'll answer some questions from the "mailbag" and bust up some "rules of thumb" along the way. Plus, we'll see what's buggin' Charles this week.

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The Silent Killer (of Retirement): Inflation Thumbnail

The Silent Killer (of Retirement): Inflation

Let’s explore some ways we can guard against that creep of inflation. Plus, we'll introduce a segment of the show we like to call "Storytime". This week, we'll ask Charles to tell us a story about someone who was getting ripped off by another financial advisor. We'll see how Charles helped solve the problem.

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