Big Government Weighing on Growth
Big Government Weighing on Growth. Raising the long-term growth rate of the US economy ought to be a key focus of policymakers.
Big Government Weighing on Growth. Raising the long-term growth rate of the US economy ought to be a key focus of policymakers.
Crisis Management Government Leads to No Good. The cost of big government just keeps going up and up. It needs to be reversed.
Higher Rates & A Shutdown on the Menu. We think the Powell presser and the dot plots will make it clear the Fed is leaning toward one more rate hike before the year is through.
An Age of Fiscal Limits. Unlike the 1980s, however, politicians don’t seem interested in changing course.
Here’s Something to “Fitch” About. We think about this because government sponsors this crazy lottery at the same time it shirks its own fiduciary responsibilities.
Closer to a Turning Point. Ultimately, recessions are about mistakes...Almost always, it is government policy mistakes that cause this over-investment (or “malinvestment”).
How to Lose Reserve Currency Status. The question is: will it? Russia, China, Brazil, and others, including Saudi Arabia, all seem to think they can find a way to replace the dollar and undermine US dominance on the world economic stage.
Debt Limit Drama. But the real root of the fiscal problem, and our biggest concern, isn’t the debt or the deficits, it’s government overspending...The bottom line is that excessive spending leads to economic ills.
Biden’s Student Loan Fiasco...In effect, colleges could create massive and perfectly legal money-laundering schemes.
How About More Freedom? In our view, we are still suffering from three major policy mistakes. First, running an overly loose monetary policy. Second, handing out too many government checks, which allowed American consumers to borrow from future production and spend more in the past two years than they would have if no pandemic had ever occurred. And third, shutting down many parts of the economy through government mandates at multiple levels.